- Dropdown menu: it is a copy of the metismenu from Cassiopeia, that allows you to create an accessible dropdown menu
- Banner: alternative layout for Custom module to create a image banner with text overlay (see Banner on the start page of this demo)
- Timeline: alternative layout for Articles - Newsflash (mod_articles_news) to display articles as timeline. The override doesn't use all parameters from the module: it will always display the article title as h2 (without link), it will always display the intro text with or without read more button, you can choose to display intro, full or no image, if set it will show the image caption.
- Quotes: alternative layout for Articles - Newsflash (mod_articles_news) to display articles as quotes (for example testimonials from your customers - see module at the bottom)
- Details
- Written by: Viviana Menzel
- Category: About
- Hits: 2537